Sunday, January 24, 2010

Anne....before and after

Anne is my foxy friend and client. I have been doing her hair for many years :) I love her! She has always been blond with a few lowlights. Sometimes more blond, sometimes less blond. But....always blond.

Until a few weeks ago. She did it. She went dark!!!!

I really like the way it turned out. It looks really nice on her and it will (hopefully) be a little lower maintenance for her and less damaging!! Thanks Anne. You always look great :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Big Change

Okay. It might not seem like a big change, but it really was!!! My sister has been trying to grow out her hair for about 7 or 8 months. But finally decided that she is just a shorter hair person!!

So....this is the only BEFORE picture I could find. ( I stole it off of her blog)

Yes, she is beautiful and No we don't look anything alike. There.


We even added a sassy red chunk just for fun :)

I really like the way it turned out.
Unfortunately it was really hard for her to get the back to work just right so we ended up going a little shorter on the very bottom and stacking it a little more, still so cute!!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Andrea: Before and After

This is my Sister in law Andrea. It's always fun to do a BiG ChaNgE for someone!! It's great to be trusted to do something this drastic. She's not had hair this short since I've known her. I think since she was a senior in High School. Thanks for trusting me and letting me play!!!!


I think she looks great! Thanks again!!