Sunday, November 29, 2009

Please, friends

Please friends, never do this....

and NeVEr DO THIS....

Do us all a favor and just....don't do it!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Dear all people who color their hair blond, who have gray hair or don't like brassiness,

Please use a toning shampoo/conditioner combo!! I beg of you. I color your hair and it looks great and then you go home and use a cheap shampoo and conditioner or one that is "volumizing" aka strips your color out....

Trust me.

If you use a purple based shampoo conditioner combo you will notice a huge difference in your color. It keeps it looking bright and healthy looking. It keeps the dull out and takes the brassy edge off of your color. The purple in it counteracts any gold or yellow tones.

Please. I beg of you. It will make your life easier and mine.


Your beloved hair dresser

Example :

Aveda Blue Malva shampoo and conditioner

Unfortunately I do not have access to getting Aveda products to sell or use (unless I pay full price. Psha right.) If I could, I would bathe in this stuff. I<3 it!!

Any professional hair care line will have a blond/purple shampoo or conditioner. Use it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I know, I know

I haven't posted in FOREVER!! Mostly because I have run out of "new" ideas. I am loving posting before and afters and I ALWAYS forget to take the before. Well, guess what???? I totally remembered this time, without a reminder either!!!

So, my cute friend (and kind of relative :) ) Heather was ready for a change!! She had highlighted long layered hair. She wanted to go closer to her natural color, so it wouldn't be as high maintenance :). She wanted to cut a few inches off and keep the layering.

Here's the before:

She's so cute and could possibly be the nicest person on the planet!!

After!! I love the way this turned out. The picture doesn't do it justice. It made her eyes pop and her skin look great!!!

Thanks Heather for letting me do your hair! I think it turned out great, hope you do too!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yay! She Let Me Do It!!!!

My friend Jodie has been wanting to cut her hair for a while but kept CHICKENING OUT!!!! She finally did it! She donated her hair to Locks of Love (which I totally recommend and commend!!). It turned out so cute! She has so much hair, seriously. But, it totally works with this 'do! Thanks Jod.

Before. Beautiful.

After. Beautiful, fun new 'do!!

Thanks for letting me play!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Courtney's New 'Do

My sil Whitney's little sister Courtney wanted a new 'do. After getting hitched and having long hair for the wedding, she decided to go for it! She has crazy thick, wavy hair. I mean crazy thick. So, here she goes....


And, after.....Cute, right?

Love it!! Thanks Courtney for letting me play!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Up-do's Out the Ying Yang

So, my "old friend" Heidi (a beauty school friend) asked if I would like to do hair for the "Miss Santaquin Pageant" a few weeks ago! You bet!! I love me a good up do. The more hairspray the better!

This was actually really fun! We were there just to kind of help out, assist if you will, the contestants in between sets. Pull it up for evening gown, curl it for talent, etc. etc.

Good times! The girls were all so cute, they really let me do what I wanted and had a lot of fun, so here's some fun pics. Enjoy!!

The reigning Miss Santaquin...

Miss Santaquin...down.

How fun is this one?? I love the way the color makes it look!! (btw, she ended up winning. I'm sure it had EVERYTHING to do with the hair!!!)
Just fyi. I had about 30 seconds to do each of these. Not to shabby for 30 second up do's!!! Thanks Heidi for a fun night!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trying Something New

So, I'm bored! I'm thinking of trying something new! I'm not sure but I'm thinking about this.....

What do you think? I mean, it would require some bleach ( a lot!!) a few plastic surgeries and owning a tanning bed, but, I think the benefits would outweigh the risks. Yeah? What do you think. My husband could (has) totally rocked a mullet. Nothing nearly this awesome, but with some extensions and again, the whole owning a tanning bed thing...Just saying. The man can pull off a mean Richard Simmons. Dog would be no problem for him!

HA! I caught an old episode of this "gem" at the gym today. I admit. I was totally sucked in. They were chasing a fugitive. There was blond hair and boobs from here to Christmas. How can you not watch that. Mid-run she chucks her stilettos and books it bare foot. Now, that's a bounty hunter right there! Just kidding. I am actually a closet "Dog" fan. I especially love the feather clip he puts in his hair!!

Just thought I would make you laugh! Although, she can do some serious damage with a set of "Benders" I'm just sayin.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lady In Red

My friend Pearl let me color her hair red!! She woke up one morning and decided that she wanted to be a redhead! Why not. You only live once. I'm so glad she trusted me and let me do this for her. It was so fun and it turned out GREAT!! You never know when you're coloring red onto grey hair. But.this.was.fabulous.


Wahoo!! I think she looks great. Thanks for letting me play Pearly!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

See, I Can Be Funky!!

Okay, I had some clients come in on Friday to get their hair colored. They stretched my "funkability" a bit! One of them wanted green (blue-green) strips in the middle, so the top layer would cover it up and just kind of "bleed" through. This is a shot of the top pulled up so you can see the color better!

(sorry, camera phone pics!!)

The other girl wanted her ends tipped in pink. She has crazy long hair so it was kind of interesting getting only the ends done. But, it worked and she loved it.

See, I can do funky! It just takes a bit of stretching. Thanks guys for giving me something out of the ordinary and fun to do!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

We Whacked It Off!!!

I absolutely love my daughters hair! It's beautiful and thick and a pretty color! But, she has a mind of her own and I have to let her do what she wants *within reason*!! She's been dying to cut it off. We made a deal that when it was long enough to donate to "Locks of Love" that she could. Well folks, she did it! This is her second time donating her hair! She loves to do it and it's a fun goal with a fun reward at the end of the tunnell!! So, what do you think?


And after!!

This beautiful hair will make a great wig for some cute deserving girl!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just a Note...

I received this email from the inventor of Curlformers. Kind of cool. Just thought you might be interested.

Hi Emily,

My name is Bruce Taylor. I have just caught up with your wonderful feature on Curlformers on your Hair World blog. I was particularly interested and thrilled to read it because I'm the guy who developed Curlformers. I know you are a professional hairdresser and stylist but the results you achieved were simply fantastic! I have a few questions if you don't mind. What brand of mousse did you use? Also, you say you dried your daughter's (beautiful) thick hair for just a few minutes with a dryer. How many minutes was that before you removed the Curlformers? How long did the curls last? I look forward to hearing from you if you get a moment.

Kind regards,
Bruce Taylor
Managing Director
Hair Flair Ltd

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yearning For Length

I am right in the middle of growing out my hair. Ugh. Seriously, is there anything worse? It is really easy for me to help my clients through this process. I see them every 8 weeks, trim the ends, tell them it's getting a lot longer and send them on their way. But, when it's your head. Yikes. It's seriously something different. Everytime I attempt to grow my hair out, I get it to my shoulders, decide that I need layers, cut it myself, ruin it and cut it off. No kidding. Every time! So, I promised my husband I would give it the "old college try" whatever that means. Really, I would like to get it long one more time before I'm too old to wear it that way. Nobody wants to see me at 50 with hair to my butt. It just wouldn't be pretty. So, here goes nothin'. I'm dreaming of...

The fact that all of these beautiful women are under the age of 30 and a size 00 doesn't mean anything. Right????

But, right now I feel like it's this...

Not good. May the hair gods be with me and wish me fast growing, or out come the scissors. Seriously.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Swear...

Have I ever mentioned my loathing of cutting my son's hair? No? Well, let me fill you in. I HATE IT! That is all. Just kidding. I can cut anyone else's children's hair with not much trouble at all. This age is hard, but usually I can do it no problem. Maybe it is just because I am such a perfectionist with haircuts, and these haircuts I have to look at every day! Maybe I don't do that great of a job on my clients, I just don't see them every day!! ha ha. So, seriously though. My other two children. No problem. Sat there, wiggled a bit when it was itchy, but not this guy. He's squirmy, squirrley, be-boppy, and down right wiggly. He tries to rip off the cape and grab my scissors (duh!!), and just screams. It is very stress filled. So, if you have seen him lately and wondered why he looks so scraggly. It's because I don't want to cut his hair!! I'm starting to think it would be worth my money to pay someone else to do it!! Wouldn't that be funny??

You have no idea. Don't let that cute face fool you.... The work it took to get him from that... this. Unbelievable. Stinkin' kid!!

Looks okay from here. Just don't look too close!! Just appreciate his cuteness when you see him, because it's going to be a long while before I cut it again! I'm starting to think long hair on boys?? Not so bad...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Follow-up On Sarah's New 'Do

Sarah took a picture of the pile of hair and sent it to me!! This doesn't really do it justice, but you get the idea! A ton of hair!!

A much better picture of the "after"! Thanks Sarah for the updated pictures, they turned out better and you look great!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sarah's New 'Do

One of my really good friends from when I was growing up, came in today to get her hair cut!! She has this mass thick, curly, coarse hair!! So fun! She kind of let me do what I wanted. She gave me a general idea and said go for it! She has had it long for quite a while and was just sick of it and wanted a fun change. Boy did we give her a change!!

(Sorry for the blurry pics. Camera phone!!)


So cute on her!! I wish I would have taken a picture of the huge pile of hair that we cut off! Seriously like 29 pounds of hair! Thanks Sarah, for letting me play!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Julia's First Haircut

I absolutely love doing "first haircuts". It's one of my favorite things. It's not that they are easy, by any means, or fun (usually) but when it's your niece (or nephew or your own child!!) it's always fun to be a part of that big "first". I am quite certain that I am in many scrapbooks. Not always looking lovely, but as part of that memory. So, that is fun. My niece Julia has this awesome curly, crazy hair. I totally love it. I always wanted a curly haired girl. It's so awesome. But, it needed a little shape and taming!! So, we did it. She wasn't a huge fan, but she did pretty well, considering. It turned out really cute. Hopefully she won't scream every time she sees me. Oh well, even if she does, it's only once a year, right?? Just kidding.

Before. Doesn't she look excited??

Look at that face. It's so awesome!!

Just trying to get the last bits of the "mullet"!!

Julia "Elvis" Williams rockin' her new 'do!

I had the chance to give Julia her first piggies!! What a fun thing for me. And, wow what a cute outfit. Someone with really great taste must have given that to her!!!

Julia and her mommy with their new 'dos!! Thanks guys, for letting me play!!