Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yearning For Length

I am right in the middle of growing out my hair. Ugh. Seriously, is there anything worse? It is really easy for me to help my clients through this process. I see them every 8 weeks, trim the ends, tell them it's getting a lot longer and send them on their way. But, when it's your head. Yikes. It's seriously something different. Everytime I attempt to grow my hair out, I get it to my shoulders, decide that I need layers, cut it myself, ruin it and cut it off. No kidding. Every time! So, I promised my husband I would give it the "old college try" whatever that means. Really, I would like to get it long one more time before I'm too old to wear it that way. Nobody wants to see me at 50 with hair to my butt. It just wouldn't be pretty. So, here goes nothin'. I'm dreaming of...

The fact that all of these beautiful women are under the age of 30 and a size 00 doesn't mean anything. Right????

But, right now I feel like it's this...

Not good. May the hair gods be with me and wish me fast growing, or out come the scissors. Seriously.


Annalee said...

I'm trying to decide if I should grow mine out (ha!) or cut it short again. I don't know why I do it to myself, I don't have the kind of hair that looks good long. (Read:thick) But I always want to try...until it gets to my shoulders, then I hack it off.

Vanity Hair Salon said...

I would like to mention that you have the worlds best hair extension artist (formerly right across the hall,) now down stairs...(JK).and I can offer my services to make it easy on yourself!!...This is one case when "cheating" is a good idea!! you get what you want, immediate satisfaction :-)