Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who Needs Haircolor, Anyway??

Well, my friends. I am noticing, since it has been entirely too long since my last color, that I am officially going gray! AAAH! I am only 32. I think that is pretty young to be going gray. I do have great genes for it, though. NOT! Aren't there always things that we wish we could take out of our genetic pool??? Early gray? Sassy additudes?? Smart alecks?? I know, I know. Me, too. Oh well. This one I'm stuck with. I supposed I can't complain too loudly to the "going gray early" gods. It's how I make my living. I just never thought that I might ACTUALLY have to deal with it myself. Oh well. At least I am "blonde" and it blends a little easier with blonde. Or should I just let it go....

She looks pretty good, I am thinking about it....


Sara said...

Well, sadly I share the same gene pool as you, and I have had many grays since about 22! Count your blessings that you made it to 32. Thank heavens for hair color is right. lol

Merilee said...

I don't want to hear even a whimper. Um..every three weeks here~! If you go aunatural...at least cut it short :D!!!

Kimmie said...

I think you could definitely pull it off!!

Amanda said...

I feel blessed that I must have more of my mothers genes then my fathers and have not had a grey hair to speak of. KNOck oN WooD!
BTW- You are beautiful no matter what you hair looks like.

Hillary said...

Ummm had gray hair since I was about 23. That's BEFORE KIDS! I only had a few back then, now I have oodles and oodles.