Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I love the fall! I love it because everyone feels like they can add a little dark to their hair, or go completley dark! I love it. Sometimes, especially in Utah County, I feel like all I do is a blonde weave, long hair with layers and cute side bangs. As much as I love this haircut and on some people it looks amazing, it's just nice to see change! As I mentioned in my post below, I love change! It just warms up their hair, and those lucky few who can be either blonde or brown, I am jealous!! I have tried going completley dark before, let's be honest, it wasn't good. But I do love adding low-lights to add some interest! So, be brave, go dark, or at least add some!!


Merilee said...

I agree, I feel like I get so many comments on how dark my hair is...because people in Utah County especially...mostly BLONDE! I like dark, probably because it is different (that, and the fact that I don't look natural as a blonde!)

Kimmie said...

I agree, I love the changes too! Just need to decide how dark I should go for fall.